
Welcome to our website

The Free Literature Multimedia website offers free quality literature (printed, hard copies with many additionally in electronic format to read and download) and multimedia (up to 5 different literature and 5 multimedia titles [to listen to, watch and download] per postal address within a four month period, [except tracts, no specific limit per postal address as yet]) for yourself, family, friends, foes, strangers, etc. but we would appreciate that postage could be covered. Please contact us using the contact details provided. Also, for other free literature multimedia not on this website, for more information and/or anything else, please contact: Mobile: 0404 881 885. International: 61 404 881 885. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  Postal Address: P.O. Box 220, Mundaring, Western Australia, 6073. Note: Please, by giving us as much contact details as possible will help us in replying in the event that one or more ways to communicate fail.

As an introduction to our FREE collection of literature and multimedia, the library below consists of titles relating to Archaeology-Science, General Interest, Health, History, Politics and Spiritual-History. To view other FREE literature and multimedia that we offer, use the drop-down menu at the 'Free Library' link in the main menu above to navigate to a library of your choice. Thank you so much for visiting us!

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