
Cut Funeral Costs

How do you cut funeral costs?

Information is what you need, and you need it ahead of time!

Part One of this book shows you how to prepare ahead of time and avoid misery in your final months; how to use the legal principle of informed consent, advance directives and power of attorney; where to obtain the necessary legal papers free; hospices and how they can help you; how to locate a good nursing home.

Part Two covers information on how to save on funeral costs, and talks about funeral homes, prices and pitfalls; the truth about caskets, vaults and embalming; all about cremation: advantages and disadvantages and the lowest cost and safest way to do it; the dangers of pay-ahead funeral contracts; saving money in many ways in a standard funeral or cremation; discovering the scams; how to bypass the funeral industry entirely and pay the least amount of money for a private funeral.


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